Thursday, November 14, 2013

How My Life Began...

When I was younger my main dream was to be FAMOUS....... That all happened when was two Thats when I meet Chad at my 13th Pageant. My life had just began. I won first place and I know from there I was going to be a model. 

A Few weeks after my winning my Mother and Father was asked to star in What Happened To Good Bye.Every since then I remember how my life began.

                                     My baby when he was 2 CHAD      Me when i was 2

Monday, November 4, 2013


Today was an amazing day because today was...NO SCHOOL YAY!So all day today I got to hang out with Chad,Diamond and Desmond. We went to the mall,the park,the store,and back to my place where we all settled down and watched a movie called:Pirates of the Caribbean 2.Then 2 hrs later we were all knocked out on my sofa bed,but then chad fell off and stayed on the floor.An hr later we all woke up and chad,Desmond,and Diamond all left my house to go home, because it was getting dark.

THE next morning we all met up again and left to wait for the bus to go to school.When we got to school some kid named Jake and the gang  came up to Diamond and said "hey pimple face give me your lunch money or i'll tell the whole school you go out with me!"That's when Desmond stepped in and said"yo boy back up before you get a face full of fist!Diamond is my gal and I won't let anything happen to her or let some scrawny little rumor go around about her.Then Jake and the gang said"i'll never mess with u or your friends ever again i promise."

Monday, October 28, 2013

My Life Suri Aspen

Hi my name is Suri Aspen and I am 14 years old. You may know me because my mom and dad are Sabrina and Sammy Aspen,they are movie actors,they star in the movie called:What Happened To Goodbye And   Lock And Key. We live in Atlanta Georgia, With Sidney,SamuelJr.there twins. My close friends are Diamond and Desmond and Kandace and Michael. The one and only Chad My Boyfriend.
 I wear my curly brown hair down an a bow with crop tops skinny jeans and Jordans. My hobbies are Shopping,Singing,Dancing,Spending Money,Partying,Acting and Hanging with CHAD. 
